De firmware van de Homematic IP warmtepomp module is geüpdatet naar versie 2.2.0. Deze update bevat vier bugfixes, onder andere voor een probleem met event counters bij meerdere koppelingen tussen sensoren en de warmtepomp module. De changelog bevat alle informatie van de huidige en eerdere firmware updates. De update wordt spoedig beschikbaar via de Homematic IP app, voor gebruikers van het Homematic IP Access Point. Voor gebruikers van de CCU3 wordt de update zichtbaar via de Homepage van de WebUI.
Please note: Only use the firmware file in connection with the current software-version of the CCUx!
Device: HmIP-MIOB - Homematic IP Multi I/O-Box
Company: eQ-3, Maiburger Str. 29, 26789 Leer, Germany
Version 2.2.000 - 2023-11-09
** Bugfix
* Wrong evaluation of the event counter with multiple links between sensor and actuator
* Channel 11 does not pay attention to the event counter
* For heat demand control on the VirtB channels, a level command should also be taken into account in addition to a conditional switch command.
* Wrong evaluation of the event counter with multiple links between sensor and actuator
Version 2.0.010 - 2022-05-23
** Bugfix
* Status info cannot request from virtuel channels
* No CSC Frame to linkpartner from ch 9/10 at changeover input
* Sorting of status info container wrong
Version 2.0.008 - 2022-05-10
** Bugfix
* Direct Execution Command to FAL is not assembled correctly when inputs are configured as "Normally Open".
Version 2.0.006 - 2022-04-27
** Bugfix
* Due to the default settings of the link parameters, a conditional switch command is not handled according to specification
Version 2.0.004 - 2022-03-31
** Bugfix
* Weekprogram-Status(-with Ack) is not triggered in case of Mode-Change
* MIOB "Normally Closed"-Input: Cooling is not activated
Version 2.0.000 - 2022-02-07
** Bugfix
* Direct link CO input to FALx deactivates internal channel A
* MIOB sends many status messages during inclusion process
* If the switch-on and switch-off times in the Easy Profile are set to "Not active" at the same time, the device hangs up.
* Rocker switch no longer responds after frequent operation
* CCU2 MIOB LED confirms red if internal button has been linked to more than 2 other actuators
* MIOB fails sporadically and can only be operated again after the 230 volt supply has been interrupted
** New Feature
* Use of the HmIP-MIOB in connection with the HmIP-BWTH wall thermostat
** Improvement
* The time information telegram does not contain a note about the sommer / winter time change.
* If possible, send multicasts only to PARTNER_ALL_WIRED_DEVICES instead of to PARTNER_ALL_DEVICES.
* Improve switch command functionality by new implementation of local loopback, adding command cancelation and using node sending functionality
Version 1.8.004 - 2019-01-29
** Bugfix
* Level Command at analog output fixed
* Behaviour of event counter fixed
** Improvement
* Split up event counter for digital input channels in case of conditional switch command
** Modification
* Change to Version 1.8.004.
Version 1.8.002 - 2019-01-24
** Bugfix
* Long keypress behaviour at digital input channels corrected (last long keypress is sent with arr)
* Fixed wrong behaviour of application sequence counter
** Improvement
* Sending of config request frames in case of no linkpartner at digital input channels
** Modification
* Change to Version 1.8.002.
Version 1.8.000 - 2018-12-19
** Bugfix
* Weekprogram under certain circumstances does switch all actuator channels if switched all at the same time
** Improvement
* Weekprogram implemented
* Pairing with FALMOT
* All PowerUp parameters, that are listed in list 3 of the device, must be supported.
* Disable MSG to AC parameter implemented
* Application Sequence Counter handling adapted
* Configuration parameter for pushbutton channel (long presstime, double presstime, repeated long press timeout) added
** Modification
* Change to Version 1.8.000.
Version 1.6.004 - 2017-11-23
** Improvement
* MIOB behaviour in case of system restart improved. Now sends DEC-Logic to FAL in any case.
** Modification
* Change to Version 1.6.004.
Version 1.6.002 - 2017-02-09
** Bugfix
* In case of multiple FAL, linked to different acutator channels of the MIOB, in some configurations not all FALs got DEC Logic command (eg. for changeover).
** Modification
* Change to Version 1.6.002.
Version 1.6.001 - 2017-02-08
** Bugfix
* Fixed Issue: Direct execution command was sent to FAL on wrong Channel. If no Link between Out0 and FAL created, no DEC was sent from MIOB
** Modification
* Change to Version 1.6.001.
Version 1.6.000 - 2017-01-30
** Bugfix
* Error in heat demand function (VIRT B-Channels of both actuators) fixed.
** Modification
* Change to Version 1.6.000.
Version 1.4.000 - 2016-09-20
** Bugfix
* Issue with global pump protection function (in conjunction with the FAL) fixed.
** Modification
* Change to Version 1.4.000.
Version 1.2.000 - 2016-09-08
** Bugfix
* Fixed issue with powerup ontime and powerup ondelay at actuator channels.
* Fixed issue with event delaytime and event randomtime for statusinfo
transmission in case of statuschange at actuator channels.
* Fixed issue with log keypress timer at application startup.
** Modification
* Change to Version 1.2.000.
Version 1.0.012 - 2016-08-25
** Bugfix
* Bugfix at internal link between input and output channels (CO-Pilot).
** Modification
* Change to Version 1.0.012.
Version 1.0.011 - 2016-07-28
** Bugfix
* Double ack at csc and usc fixed.
* Application sequence counter error fixed.
** Modification
* Change to Version 1.0.011.
* Changed Lib to 1.16.1
Version 1.0.010 - 2016-07-28
** Bugfix
* Bug with DEC of second relay output fixed
** Modification
* Change to Version 1.0.010.
* Unconditional switch command added for switching actuator channels
Version 1.0.009 - 2016-07-27
** Bugfix
* Application ACK is now sent in case of set ARR Bit.
* Logic Combination fixed.
* Powerupactions fixed.
* Edit Parameterlist fixed.
** Modification
* Change to Version 1.0.009.
* Send Statusinfo subsequent to levelcommand or dec with level on channel for analog output.
* Statusinfo is only sent in case of "significant" changes.
Version 1.0.008 - 2016-06-21
** Modification
* Change to Version 1.0.008.
* Minor changes in pairing routines.
* Device Functions IDs adapted.
Version 1.0.007 - 2016-06-15
** Bugfix
* Bugfix in SNC Command
** Modification
* Change to Version 1.0.007.
* Internal Links implemented (eg. Link between C/O input and CO-Pilot Output).
* Tactile Switch functionality implemented for digital Inputs (sends
Unconditional Switch Command with short (<400 ms) or long (>400 ms every 250 ms) keypress).
* Statusinfo implemented.
Version 1.0.006 - 2016-06-01
** Bugfix
* Bugfix in pairing routines.
** Modification
* Change to Version 1.0.006.
* Heatdemand relay functions on Virt B channels implemented.
* DEC send to FAL if FAL reset has been detected (sequence counter = 0x01).
Version 1.0.005 - earlier - 2016-05-23
** Bugfix
* Bugfix in pairing routines.
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